Add our unique product to your store! Wintercraft shelf-ready boxes are covered with full-color photos and detailed descriptions to educate and inspire those new to the craft of making ice lanterns. Introduce your customers to a fun and interactive activity for all ages. Our book Ice Luminary Magic is receiving extensive national publicity and your customers will be thrilled to find it in your store!
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How To Guides
Point of Purchase Graphics
8.5 x 11 Inch Better Homes & Gardens POP
36 x 18 Inch End Cap Poster (Kids)
Website/Social Media Marketing Material
Wintercraft Product Packaging Images
Available Upon Request
In-store How-to DVD
All support materials ©Wintercraft and are for use only in promotion of Wintercraft products. Graphics provided may not be altered without written permission.
1500 Jackson St. NE, Suite 338
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone: 612-706-9059