Embracing the Winter Solstice 2022

Jennifer Shea Hedberg | 21 December, 2022 | 1 Comment

child looking at Finnish Glass Ice Lantern Tower Wintercraft Ice Luminary Magic

The ancient ritual of lighting candles to entice the Sun to return, lives on in many ways. One that I love, is the giving and lighting of ice luminaries. It is our hope at Wintercraft that you come to embrace this lovely way to celebrate the darkest day with light magically captured by ice.

As we settle in for our own Holiday festivities, we also hope that the vulnerable amongst us are remembered. Consider the unshoveled path in your neighborhood is not an oversight, but could be a subtle request for help. If you have the time and ability, shovel the walk and leave an ice lantern burning along the way. Imagine the joy of that gift. I have experienced the kindness of strangers, and it is a feeling that stays with you—and its reverberation is unconsciously passed along to the next person you see, and the next, and the next. 

Globe Ice Lantern at doorway Wintercraft
It has been a wonderful, heart-warming autumn, as those near and far have told us of their love of "Wintercrafting" and how it has led to new family traditions. We are hoping as winter arrives, that your corner of the world is peaceful, warm and filled with light!
Best wishes from all of us at Wintercraft, and may you 
Enjoy the Glow!
-- Jennifer Shea Hedberg, The Ice Wrangler, @icewrangler
@wintercraftcommunity and facebook.com/wintercraft


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Comments (1 Response)

23 November, 2023

Judy Rice

Purchased your ice bucket mold, love it so far

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